
30 Jan

I am aware that my post might sound really vain but lately I have been really concerned about how I look especially my face.  More like my neck and above.  I guess my face is one of those things that I can’t hide with clothing.  Frankly since reaching my 30s my skin just doesn’t have that nice glow, a wrinkle has appeared and when I am tired I look tired.  It might be just me that is concerned with these things but I thought this might be a good time to confess it and get over it.

Of course I have always wanted to look good but I really never spent the time to do my hair or use hair product, wash my face or be concerned with makeup.  I stepped up my game when I started dating Mike but I was pretty low maintenance for the most part.

Honestly I never owned a blow dryer until I started college and got my first expensive hair cut.  I saw the girls in high school with the nice hair but I didn’t know that required time to blow dry it, curl it and hair product.  I didn’t know hair product existed outside of hairspray, gel and mousse.  I was pretty sheltered and never had anyone introduce me to those type of things.  I did own a curling iron though.

I have learned there are a huge array of hair products, brushes, blow dryers and irons out there with different purposes.  It actually takes time and personally a lot of practice to learn a new hairstyle.  Youtube has been a great teaching tool.  1.5 years ago I just learned how to properly blow dry my hair with a round brush.  Before I was just drying it and didn’t realize I could actually style my hair and use the flat iron to do the touch ups.  DUH!!!  Like 2 months ago I just learned how to use a bobby pin properly and that the brand of bobby pin does matter so I purchased a jar of metagrip pins from Sally Beauty Supply.  I also learned how to use my flat iron to curl my hair this past year.

I am growing out my hair and I was getting so bored with my hair down and straight or in a pony or bun.  Then I remembered I pinned all these hairstyles on PINTREST.  Side note – I love pintrest.  Anyway I have been practicing some of them.  And practicing.  I am somewhat embarrassed to admit all of this but I am hoping I am not the only one that thinks about this kind of stuff.

6 Responses to “Appearances”

  1. liberty January 30, 2012 at 1:48 pm #

    You are not the only one. It seems as I have gotten older, I’ve become more interested in my hair, makeup, clothes and shoes. You knew me when it was important, but the next 10 years it took a back seat. My husband teases me that I get gussied up all for myself now and it of true
    I feel happier when I think I look good. 🙂

    • sandydurtschi February 1, 2012 at 11:17 am #

      Funny! Because nowadays I get ready for myself more than Mike. I totally agree that I am happier when I think I look good too. Are you strictly a Clinique girl? I buy their eyeshadow but I decided to venture out and try a Sephora eye shadow as well. I love Clinique mascara but I go through it so fast I can’t justify spending that much money so it is maybelline for me.

  2. Telenia January 31, 2012 at 5:08 am #

    Yep you’re the only one…haha just kidding Sandy!
    I’m pretty much in the same boat, I actually started wearing foundation this year, it gets so annoying to put makeup on, glad I only recently started to wear on a regular basis. I don’t know how all these women keep up with it. I would much rather be reading, working out, running, playing with the kiddos than sitting in front of the mirror. But then again its probably cause I’m such a novice. Tell you what thought I love me some mascara these days, I’m satisfied with that and some lip gloss 🙂
    How’s Utah? And let me know when you have a jamberry party, would love to come.

    • sandydurtschi February 1, 2012 at 11:20 am #

      I try to keep the make up routine to less than 10 minutes. I don’t think I could handle more than that. But I totally agree with you. I am happy with just lip gloss but man does mascara make a huge difference. If I was rich I would definitely buy me some nice mascara.

      I wanted to have a jamberry party soon. I was going to host one in Logan and in Syracuse. I wanted to host one in SLC as well but I didn’t really have a location. I would do it at my house but we still have a ton of moving boxes in our living room. I’ll let you know because I plan to do 2-3 this month.

  3. Jenny January 31, 2012 at 10:52 pm #

    I am impressed that you actually try to learn how to do all those things. I just complain, fret, and look sad at myself in the mirror. I used to think I wasn’t too bad looking but the last year or so I’ve really gotten down about my looks. To make it worse, my job requires me to be “gussied up” for media interviews and yet most days I just don’t even know what to do to help my sagging body, gross skin, etc. I think the key is to never stop wearing heels! Once I stopped wearing heels everything went downhill. Ugh. Isn’t this something you should only have to worry about in high school?

    • sandydurtschi February 1, 2012 at 11:24 am #

      I know that exact feeling that I thought I was looking pretty good and then one day I was like “Holy crap! I need some help.” I thought middle school was bad trying to figure it out. Then I did figure it out in my 20s and I had a baby and that changed everything from my body shape, to my hair texture and my skin.

      At this point my motivation is clearly vanity. When I am 50 I hope I look good. Honestly I didn’t do anything in my 20s. I rarely washed my face or used eye make up remover but that is a post for another day. We should get the kids together sometime for a play date. I think they are close enough in age that it could work.

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