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2012 is my year

1 Feb

This is my year.  My year to conquer my physical obstacles and get in the best shape of my life.  And if I fall off the wagon I am not going to beat myself up and quit.  I am going to keep moving.  It is my goal every year, every month, every week.  This time I am trying some different approaches.  I am using Shakeology.  I am going to do Turbo Fire for more than 30 days hopefully the next 20 weeks and then some.  I am going to journal everything I eat.  I am going to make working out a priority.  The biggest changes are working with a beachbody coach that will keep me accountability every day and doing her challenge group which makes me accountable to four other people.  And I am listening to a podcast that helps me with the emotional part because I am an emotional eater.  And I just got my bodybugg reactivated because having it is actually motivating when I know I have only taken like 3000 steps that day. Or getting to see that I just burned 600 calories from a workout.

While I would be happy to say I am content with being fit only, I really do want to be more than that.  I am dreaming big this time and not settle for a safe goal.  I am working my milestones 5 lbs at a time.  So the critic in me can take a back seat and let the dreamer in me DREAM!