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Jamberry Nails

25 Jan

I have signed up to be a Jamberry Nail consultant.  Sometimes I think “Really a direct marketing company?” “Again?”  But this time around it really does make sense.  I have always been into nails more so when I was younger.  I can remember for a very long time through middle school and high school my toe nails were never bare for years on end.  I always had polish on them even in the dead of winter buried in my wool socks and snow boots.  I guess it was an obsession now that I look back.

I actually love to get my nails done but affordability is another issue.  Occasionally I would get french tip nails but maintenance for fills was so time consuming and basically I was way to stingy to fork out that kind of money consistently.  I’ve done stickers and making my own designs with nail polish.  My sister-in-law has introduced me to glitter toes and such.  For some reason having my fingernails and toes done makes me feel prettier somehow.  It is weird but if I am having a rough day just getting some down time to paint my own nails is relaxing.  And no matter how chubby or pregnant I get I can always have a good nail day.

I have tried the Sally Hansen Salon Essentials and they worked out ok.  But being real nail polish does have its downsides.  And the designs are minimal in my opinion.  I like Jamberry because there is a huge variety in designs (150+) and they always have seasonally designs so anyone should be able to find something they like.  I was reluctant at first to buy any because I wasn’t ready to drop $15 dollars but as advertised a person can get 2-3 applications per sheet.  And since I keep my nails super short I bet I can stretch it even more which appeases my frugal side.  While it does cost more than buying regular nail polish in my mind I justify the cost difference that there is no chipping and it stays glossy always and if applied correctly I would only need to replace them due to nail growth.  Plus there is no nail damage.

If anyone is interested please check out my website at:  If anyone is interested in hosting a party and receiving a free item and getting a discount, please let me know.  You can even do a virtual party where everything takes place online but you still reap the benefits.  I’ll post a link dedicated to jamberry nails on my blog and I will post more pictures as I try out different designs on Olivia and I and possible Hazel because they look so cute on chubby hands.

Surviving…just barely though

12 Jan

I am back a month later and living in Salt Lake City, Utah.  I am working at Salt Lake Community College as an instructional designer and I started on January 6.  So far so good.  The people are great the work isn’t much different than my job at USU.  It has been quite an adventure the past few weeks.  We packed everything and left Boise December 22 and put all of our worldly possessions in a storage unit and spent Christmas with my mom.

Then after Christmas we went apartment hunting and I was getting pretty worried that we weren’t going to find anything that would fit our needs.  Luckily Christmas Eve we found an apartment and I picked up the keys the following Monday.  Unfortunately Mike left the day before for work and was out of town for the whole week and I started work that Friday.

We were living with Mike’s family during our transition in Davis County so it is about a 40 minute commute to our new apartment and 60 minute commute to my work.  So I have been doing a lot of driving the past few weeks.  BTW – I sometimes suffer from road rage and commuting isn’t a fun thing for me.  And FYI – I have to commute everyday 20-25 minutes to and from work but I will save that for another posts.

We have our boxes in our apartment and the next step is unpacking which is so blah.  I have started a new job and it isn’t difficult but I have to learn new names, how the system works, wait for all my paperwork to process to get access to anything.  On the bright side I don’t have to hike from my car to my work and my department pays for my parking pass.

Moving is not fun but we still want to buy a house so hopefully it won’t be as painful for our next move.

Pumpkin fair

27 Oct

picture of The Pumpkin Fair bookWe checked out this book from the local library this spring and Olivia was obsessed with the pumpkin fair for weeks.  Luckily for me I found a groupon for a season pass to a local pumpkin patch.  The pumpkin patch has a bunch of free activities including a corn maze so it was worth the money to go there a couple of times and enjoy the last warm days of fall.  Here are some pictures from our excursions for the month of October: